Opinion | They couldn’t even wait until Ruth Bader Ginsburg was in her grave - News Summed Up

Opinion | They couldn’t even wait until Ruth Bader Ginsburg was in her grave

ADADDemocrats and progressives, thus provoked, responded with threats of revenge: eliminating the filibuster, packing the court if Joe Biden wins, even adding states to the union. I tried to ignore all the Rosh Hashanah jockeying, instead joining my synagogue’s online services Friday evening and Saturday morning. How many shall pass away and how many shall be born,Who shall live and who shall die …Who shall be at rest and who shall be tormented,Who shall be exalted and who shall be brought low,Who shall become rich and who shall be impoverished. Help us hear within it the unfinished work of our world and grant us the strength and courage to step into it unafraid.”Amen. Sign up to receive my columns in your inbox as soon as they’re published.

Source: Washington Post September 20, 2020 22:30 UTC

